longreach ORYX
longreach Oryx is the high yielding Australian Soft (ASFT) wheat in all Zones.
Oryx has a very good soft wheat grain package with excellent test weight, low screenings and low protein accumulation. Its shorter canopy makes on-farm management and stubble handling easier. Oryx has a mid-season maturity suited to a main season planting. This variety has market-leading resistance to Stripe Rust (RMR), Leaf Rust (R) and Stem Rust (MR).
Attributes | Rating |
Classification | ASFT (Soft) |
Stem Rust | MR |
Leaf Rust | RMR# |
Stripe Rust East |
Septoria Tritici | SVS |
Prat. Thornei - Resistance | MSS |
Prat. Thornei - Tolerance | IVI |
Crown Rot | MSS |
Yellow Spot | MSS |
Powdery Mildew | MR |
Prat. Neglectis - Resistance | MSS |
Prat. Neglectis - Tolerance | MII |
Black Point | MS |
Farmer to Farmer Trade | Allowed |
EPR Rate/MT (ex GST) | $3.75 |
Longreach disease ratings have been compiled from LongReach Disease Screening data and from NVT Disease Ratings March 2025. Resistance ratings: VS=Very Susceptible, S=Susceptible, MS=Moderately Susceptible, MR=Moderately Resistant, R =Resistant. Tolerance ratings: T=Tolerant, MT=Moderately Tolerant, MI=Moderately Intolerant, I=Intolerant, VI=Very Intolerant. p=preliminary data based on limited data set.
Hashtag (#) = may be more susceptible to alternative pathotypes.