LONGREACH Avenger is battle ready, offering tough yield and excellent grain receivals package to back it up.
Avenger is able to hold up to the hard quick finishes, typical of most WA seasons, with an excellent grain receival package. Best suited to the real tough and marginal yielding areas of the far north and eastern corridor of Western Australia.
Attributes | Rating |
Classification | APW (N) WA |
Stem Rust | MS |
Leaf Rust | S |
Stripe Rust West |
Septoria Tritici WA | S |
Nodorum Blotch (Glume) | MS |
Nodorum Blotch (Leaf) | MSS |
Crown Rot | S |
Yellow Spot | MS |
Powdery Mildew | S |
Prat. Neglectus - Resistance | MSS |
Prat. Neglectus - Tolerance | MI |
Black Point | MS |
Farmer to Farmer Trade | Allowed |
EPR Rate/MT (ex GST) | $4.00 |
Longreach disease ratings have been compiled from LongReach Disease Screening data and from NVT Disease Ratings March 2024. Resistance ratings: VS=Very Susceptible, S=Susceptible, MS=Moderately Susceptible, MR=Moderately Resistant, R =Resistant. Tolerance ratings: T=Tolerant, MT=Moderately Tolerant, MI=Moderately Intolerant, I=Intolerant, VI=Very Intolerant. p=preliminary data based on limited data set.
Hashtag (#) = may be more susceptible to alternative pathotypes.