Boa is a superior canopy for high production and irrigation. A quick-mid maturity AH wheat that stands out for top end yield in high production scenarios and irrigated systems.
Boa combines the best attributes of its Scepter x Cobra parentage to deliver a shorter canopy wheat with an erect growth habit to handle high input systems.
Useful Stripe rust (MRMSp) and Leaf rust (MRp) resistance with both acid and boron tolerance traits. Available exclusively from Baker Seed Co. Rutherglen Victoria.
Attributes | Rating |
Classification | AH (SA/Vic/SNSW) |
Stem Rust | MS |
Leaf Rust | MR |
Stripe Rust East |
Septoria Tritici | S |
CCN Resistance | Rp |
Yellow Spot |
Powdery Mildew |
S |
Black Point | MSSp |
Farmer to Farmer Trade | Not Allowed |
EPR Rate/MT (ex GST) | $4.00 |
Longreach disease ratings have been compiled from LongReach Disease Screening data and from NVT Disease Ratings March 2025. Resistance ratings: VS=Very Susceptible, S=Susceptible, MS=Moderately Susceptible, MR=Moderately Resistant, R =Resistant. Tolerance ratings: T=Tolerant, MT=Moderately Tolerant, MI=Moderately Intolerant, I=Intolerant, VI=Very Intolerant. p=preliminary data based on limited data set.
Hashtag (#) = may be more susceptible to alternative pathotypes.